The Video Game Trophy Room: Episode 62 - DuckTales

NES: DuckTales

Wow it's been a while since I beat a game! In my defense I am working through some really heavy duty games right now, so they are taking some time. Plus school was getting in the way of game time. Gotta get a degree and all that.

Decided to take a break from all that today and beat DuckTales on the NES! Played it on Difficult mode and it still only took me about 15 minutes to complete. Nice fun game. Also the moon level has got to have one of the best background themes I have ever heard.

Also it's kind of an anniversary for me and this game. It came out in September of 1989, and I literally begged my parents to get it for me for months! In November the video store that I rented games from FINALLY got it... and I rented and beat it in a day. Suddenly... I was glad my parents refused to get it for me. But even so, it's a great game to kill some time if you aren't like me and know where all the treasures are >.>.

posted by themoogle at


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